Happy New Year! Ring in the new year with a sprinkle and confetti covered cake. Enjoy this delicious dessert on your New Year party platter, and be sure to save a slice for when the party's over, and you need something to pick you up before you...
Pizza Cupcakes are quick and easy crowd-pleasers! Gather the necessary ingredients and stick to the recipe to prepare delicious pizza cupcakes for the party.
Beat the heat with a triple scoop of this classic sweet! Home made vanilla ice cream topped with an assortment of nuts and candies is a delicious traditional treat! Learn how to make your own in this fun and easy cooking lesson.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with these fun Piñata Cookies! These multi-striped, burro piñata sugar cookies come complete with hollow centers that you can fill with a secret stash of your favorite candies. Join Sara in the kitchen and learn how to make these...
Sara's got the perfect treat for Easter! Everybody’s favorite chef is baking some adorable bunny bread. Be sure to follow Sara's directions carefully to get bonus points.
Who doesn't love pizza and Halloween? Now you can combine the best of both worlds with a yummy Jack-O-Lantern Pizza. Learn how to cook this festive meal online. Then grab your Mom or Dad and try out the recipe in your very own kitchen.
After a big meal and a fun day with the family, there's nothing quite like a delicious home made Pumpkin Pie. Complete this tasty treat with all the trimmings like whipped cream, frosting, candy toppings and fruit sides!